Sensation VS Tension

n1 training

Sensation VS Tension

There are many exercises that create a sensation or “feeling” in a muscle, but that does not mean that they are good exercises to train that muscle.  There is a difference between feeling a sensation and actually being able to produce tension.  In this video we’ll discuss some examples and why a few “popular” exercises are actually terrible choices from an anatomy and goal-oriented perspective.



0:50 – Sensation signals when a joint is compromised

1:37 – Biceps example and test

3:07 – Biceps’ and triceps’ role as shoulder stabilizers

4:08 – Sensation when a joint is restricted

6:20 – Lying lateral raise example and test

9:05 – EMGs are not indicative of a muscle’s force production


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Could we make a similar case for RDLs? That is, the intense sensation or deep stretch felt in the hamstrings may simply be a consequence of hyperextending through the lumbar spine and the nervous system providing feedback that this is an unstable/vulnerable position?

In the context of people elevating their toes during an RDL, yes that is absolutely sensation from stretching the nerves rather than a “deep stretch”.
In the case of overextending the lumbar, some may notice a decrease in ROM of hip flexion before feeling that “stretch” sensation due to the decrease in pelvic stability.  This comes back to the importance of maintaining a neutral spine in hip-extension exercises and execution in general.

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