App: Workout Customization Options

n1 training

We’ve made it easy to individualize your training and record it exactly how you perform your session. No more writing notes to remember what changes you made to a program!

The first set of customizations you’ll find on your Workout Overview screen that you’ll see before starting any session.

This is where you can re-order or substitute exercises and create or split up super sets.

Exercise Substitutions

To substitute an exercise on the Workout Overview Screen: 

  1. Long-tap (tap and hold) on an exercise to bring up it’s menu
  2. Select “Substitute Exercise”
  3. Choose the type of substitution you’re looking for (Stimulus, Movement, Home)
  4. Tap on the exercise to swap it with the current one



To substitute during your session:

  1. While you are on the exercise in your Current Set, tap the Options Tab
  2. Choose the type of substitution you’re looking for (Stimulus, Movement, Home)
  3. Tap on the exercise to swap it with the current one




Different Substitution Types:

90% of the time “Stimulus” is the substitution list you’ll want to use. This will give you the exercises that most closely match all the qualities of the one in the program. They are listed in preferred order.

Movement” will mainly be used for systemic conditioning programs or when you’re less concerned about targeting the same exact tissue. Maybe you just want an Upper Push movement and don’t care if it’s more triceps, anterior delts, or chest biased.

Home” is exactly as it sounds. If you’re training at home, check out this list for options you can accomplish with just: adjustable bench, dumbbells, barbell, resistance bands, and body weight.

Re-Order Exercises

  1. Tap the three dots in the top left corner (…) or long-tap on an exercise.
  2. Select “Change Order”
  3. Drag and Drop single exercises or entire super sets to the order you want to perform them.

NOTE: We often order exercises intentionally. So we recommend only changing the order if it is necessary due to gym logistics or moving a priority body part earlier in the session for hypertrophy goals.



Create Super Sets (or Split Them Up)

  1. Tap the three dots in the top left corner (…) or long-tap on an exercise.
  2. Select “Create Super Set”
  3. Check the box next to the exercises you want to group together.
  4. You can only create 1 super set at a time on this screen. So you can pair two exercises, save, then repeat this process to create an additional super set.

Split Up Super Sets:

  1. Tap the link symbol between the letters on the left side of the screen.
  2. Click “Proceed” on the pop up to confirm that you want to split up the exercises into straight sets




NOTE: If you split up exercises you will likely want to increase the rest periods as well, which can be done by opening the exercise’s menu (long tap) and clicking “Edit Exercise”. You can also edit the exercise rest periods on the Scheme screen during the workout.

Generally, we recommend to avoid splitting up super sets for metabolic workouts (local or systemic) as the super sets are usually what is creating the goal stimulus for the workout.

But for hypertrophy and strength, there are two options for how to split them up and adjust rest periods.  To learn more about guidelines for adjusting rest periods and super sets check out THIS ARTICLE.

That’s it! Those are the basics of customizing your workouts.


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