How to approach clients dealing with anxiety. In this video Coach Kassem covers do’s and don’ts, supplementation options, and how to deal with clients that have anxiety issues.
0:19 – First suggestion for extreme anxiety
1:48 – How does the stuff in your wheel house impact anxiety
3:12 – Understand the concept of trainability
3:47 – What Coach Kassem likes to start with
4:57 – Negative side effects of people with anxiety and giving them supplement protocols
6:05 – Always know that supplementing is a short term solution
Supplements mentioned can all be found on Nutri-Dyn and you get 10% off with your free account through N1 Training.
If you haven’t already, you can create your account and browse the store HERE
Magnesium (ATP Labs) Code: KASSEM1010 for 10% off
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