App: Program Plans

n1 training

What program should I do next?

Answering that question is the exact reason we design the Program Plan feature in the App.

It will help you to avoid spending time on figuring out what you should do next, when/how to change the training stimulus, or de-load.

Based on your selected goal, and a few follow-up questions, a plan will be put together for you that will cover several months of training. We’ll take care of the periodization and program options to help maximize your long term progress.

You can choose a new goal or opt for any program from the library at any time, so don’t worry about being ‘stuck’ with a program. We designed it to be as flexible as possible while still providing enough guidance to keep you on track.


Your plan will be broken up into Phases. Each phase will give you a few programs to choose from that will suit the training goal for that phase. Usually there will be 2-4 programs to choose from.

This way if you prefer a particular split (like push/pull/legs or upper/lower), you can stick with that throughout each phase.

There may also be programs of different training levels available to allow flexibility on how much volume or if you want to try a program that includes certain methods (like drop sets, rest pause, etc).

This way you can still pick programs that you’ll enjoy and that fit your schedule, but we’ll limit the options to only the ones that will benefit you the most at that time. It’s like having a coach guide you on program selection with your long term goal in mind.


When you complete all the workouts in a program, you’ll automatically be presented with the program options for the next phase.

However, if you decide to end a program early either due to how you’re responding or by preference, you can easily move on by going to the Program tab, tap on Workout Schedule, and tap “Mark Complete”. This will save the program in your “Complete” programs area so you can come back and resume at any time.

Repeating Plans

Once you complete a plan, you still have room to progress by repeating it! Because there will be multiple program options within each phase, you can opt to follow programs of another Level, split, or architecture and it will be like following a completely new plan.

You can of course simply follow the same programs in the same order and continue progressing from your previous sessions.

Even use the customization options to add a set, a new exercise, or alter it into a specialization program if you like! Although I’d recommend using one of our specialization programs or plans if there is one available that suits your priority body parts.

*As we continue to add more programs we will also be releasing more options for Program Plans (like additional specializations). Keep an eye on your email for when those are announced!


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